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Undergraduate Scholarships

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 Frequently Asked Questions - General

  • Do scholarships stack?
    • 大多数奖学金将与所有其他援助一起,直到出勤费. However, the State of Mississippi governing board, IHL, 不容许学生就同一职位获得两份奖学金(例如: two tuition or housing scholarships). 
  • Why was my scholarship reduced?
    • A student's total aid cannot exceed their cost of attendance (COA) assigned by the Office of Financial Aid. 所有奖学金的调整都是由经济援助办公室根据你的申请情况做出的 total award package. Please contact their office for more information. 
  • 如果我错过了申请基于录取的奖学金的截止日期,我还有资格吗?
    • No. 错过截止日期的学生没有资格立即考虑. Students 可以完成奖学金申诉来陈述他们的情况,但是奖学金是有竞争力的 and on a first come basis. Appeals are not guaranteed, as meeting the deadline is part of the initial eligibility criteria. 
  • 如果我是被重新录取的学生,我是否有资格获得基于入学的优异奖学金?
    • No. 退学的学生将丧失现有的奖学金 and are not eligible for new admission-based awards. However, students can file a 奖学金申请的学期,他们返回有任何先前的录取为基础 如果他们以良好的学术成绩离校,奖学金将恢复 规定要求并有剩余学期的资金剩余.
    • 录取状态由招生办公室决定. 
  • Do I have to accept my institutional scholarships?
    • 是的,所有学生必须遵循位于USM电子邮件地址报价的说明 在GO系统中正确接受USM奖学金并完成的通知 任何必要的验证步骤,如验收后问卷. 
    • SOAR接受的唯一奖学金是社区学院转学奖学金,大学 大学转学奖学金和优秀学术奖学金 进入大学,不需要额外的申请步骤. Instructions on how to accept these three awards can be found here
  • How do I know my scholarship stipulations?
    • 您在GO系统中的奖学金将包括一份规定协议 outlining how you will maintain your scholarship(s). If no information is located 关于瓷砖,请参考您的原始报价邮件了解更多信息. 
    • 某些基于录取的优秀奖励规定也可以在您的通信中找到 请将您的奖学金录取通知书原件附在索雅中心. 
    • 所有由本科奖学金办公室管理的奖学金都需要 学生在每个秋季和春季学期注册15个学分,并保持 a minimum a 2.5 USM累积GPA,也可以在你的待办事项列表中找到 作为您和您的顾问在您的课程期间的持续提醒 scholarship. 
  • 自动匹配(自动考虑奖励)和apply-to有什么区别 awards (awards with applications).
    • 自动匹配奖励不需要在一般以外的额外申请 Application. 报价是根据通过GO系统收集的导入数据发送的. 大多数奖学金将根据信息自动匹配符合条件的学生
      from the General Application and Applicant Record.
    • 申请奖项需要一般申请和额外的申请问卷 允许提交文件或证明成员资格、参与或其他 verifiable component. 
    • 推荐奖学金是为您推荐的申请奖学金列表 on your answers to the General Application. Those scholarship opportunities require additional information to determine final eligibility. You will only be considered 的“推荐机会”,请填写额外的问题.
  • What are designation-based awards? 
    • 基于指定的奖项只“指定”给获得该特定奖项的学生 distinction or membership status. Proof of status must be uploaded that clearly states 在GO系统的奖项描述中显示的学生姓名和状态. 
  • 我如何知道我是否获得了GO系统的奖学金?
    • 如果您获得了奖学金,您将通过您的USM收到电子邮件通知 email address. 您需要登录奖学金申请系统 to accept the scholarship and complete the post-acceptance.
    • 接受奖学金后,完成所需的录取后程序 thank the donor(s) of your scholarship. Afterwards, the scholarship will be credited 到你的学生账户在该学期被授予.
  • How do I check and manage my scholarship references?
    • 一些“推荐奖学金”需要提供推荐信. You 将提供一个人的姓名和电子邮件地址,以便电子邮件可以发送到 推荐人要求他们上传一封保密的推荐信.
    • 在发送参考链接之前,我们鼓励您与您的推荐人联系 提出一个正式的请求(通过电子邮件或亲自),询问他或她是否愿意写信 a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
  • 获得奖学金的南加州大学在校生如何保留奖学金?
    • 基于录取的奖励会自动更新所列出的分配学期数 在最初的offer中,只要每学期满足所有的规定. 
    • Click here for more details.

如果您对FAITH奖学金,MTAG, MESG,佩尔奖学金,HELP奖学金有疑问 助学金,联邦工作学习,或学生贷款,你将需要访问 Office of Financial Aid's website. 这些是通过教育部授予的MS援助和/或联邦资金的类型 of Education via your FAFSA. 

Frequently Asked Questions - Navigating the GO System

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Key University Financial Support Offices

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Scholarships
Kennard-Washington (KWH) 200
118 College Drive #5011
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

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